Stand Against Wildlife and Forest Crime
'Wildlife crime' refers to the taking, supplying, selling, trafficking, importing, exporting, processing, possessing, obtaining and consumption of wild fauna and flora, including timber and other forest products, in contravention of national or international law.
Stand with us !
Report wildlife crime by taking a photo,video, pinning the location of an incident and sending details to us and help to combat wildlife crime.
Download the Wildlife crime reporting app !
Who we are ?
Sentinels Against Wildlife Crime (SAWC) is a platform to address Wildlife Crime (WC) and Corruption in advocating the rights of fellow species, facilitated by Centre for eco-cultural Studies (CES). At present the SAWC comprises a few handpicked agencies and professionals including academics, legal personalities, wildlife and environmental activists.
Advocating against the Wildlife Crime and Corruption through enforcement of relevant national and international legislation concerned.
Lobbying against Wildlife & Forest Crime and Corruption, nationally and internationally.